A website to inform Murrieta residents why ballot measures C,D and E are bad for our city.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Measure D, Counci Stipends - ( club memberships )

     The inaccuracies in Measure D are insurmountable.

     In this post the focus will be where the Measure D (aka Initiative B) proponent's statement of “club memberships” is implied to be a paid benefit to a council member.

     Measures C, D and E were born by Limited Government Political Action Committee

     From the initiative writings for the petition process, to the Arguments in Favor, the proponents have demonstrated a complete naïve understanding in the operation of local government. And while not a fact, and in my opinion, the "club membership" statement on the LGPac website could be viewed by readers that are informed and knowledgeable in local government operations as an intentional deception to the voting public to garner support through the petition process. The catch to this opinion is that the Arguments in Favor:

now have a completely different flavor to the statement. So, since the writing of the petition, did the proponents get smart, or were they challenged on the (deceptive?) wording?

     Regardless of how the proponents address "club memberships", the memberships they are referring to are actually regional, inter-governmental agencies, such as Riverside County Transporation Commission (RCTC) and the Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG), and are a complete necessity for the City of Murrieta to be involved with.

     The proponents are correct in that there are associated costs to be members of these inter-governmental agencies, but were not correct (intentionally?) in the petition process in that they are individual councilmember benefits. The fact is, they are not a direct or indirect paid benefit to councilmembers. They are fees assessed to the City of Murrieta so that one councilmember can represent the City through their attendance in agency meetings for discussions, planning, and funding for matters that revolve around regional issues.  Murrieta is not an island and must work with other cities for the benefit of all.

     Below is a (partial) list of the separate agencies/commissions the councilmember’s participate in.  There are many. They are all in addition to the work and attendance required of regular council meetings, and are all within the scope of being a councilmember for their (measly) City paid $600 stipend and City paid (average) health benefits.

     (Personally, this "volunteer" work would be a little bit over the top for me and is underpaid.)

     To find learn more on the benefits of the RCTC "membership",  read this PE article or go to the RCTC website to learn where some of the funding comes from for projects such as the Clinton Keith bridge, the upcoming Cal Oaks interchange, or the future Clinton Keith connection from the I-215 to Winchester Road are coming from.  They are all projects in Murrieta, funded in part by regional funds and not wholly by Murrieta residents.  These projects alone paint the picture why it is so important for the City of Murrieta to have a "membership" in regional, inter-governmental agencies.

Learn the truth, then
Vote NO on Measure D,
then vote NO on Measures C and E


  1. Yes, HD, you are precisely correct. Measure D suffers the "politics as usual." duplicity that we daily decry.

    Remember, during Murrieta's recall in 2004-2005, that the main opposing organization was called - "Southwest Riverside County Taxpayers for Responsible Government." That organization was a real estate developers front. It was just a ruse designed to hide the truth behind a misleading name to fool unsuspecting Murrietans.

    Bob Kowell, the driving force behind Measure D, is using this same tactic by referring to "club memberships" in the same sentence criticizing City Council compensation.

    Here is the actual context of the "club membership" phrase:

    "It was never the intent of the State law for volunteer city council members to receive pensions, club memberships, full medical care, etc. . . ."

    Kowell clearly intends that readers would believe that city council members are personally receiving "club memberships." But, as you point out HD, the City pays for no city council members "Club" memberships.

    Wow, I thought when I read Kowell's accusation of paid club memberships, how many council members have memberships in some golf country club? If so, that would be a sweet perk, right?

    But when you lay out the facts, there is not one single club membership which any of our council members receives personally-- there are only City memberships in other governmental organizations whose missions impact our City.

    We Murrietans benefit from having our representatives attend these regional meetings so our voices and interests can be heard.

    Kowell is not stupid. He’s just duplicitous. (Some might say he's just a typical politician!) But his deliberate misuse of language demonstrates his "political spinning" that has infected our political discourse from top to bottom. He should be ashamed at his cheap shot at our City council members.

    Kowell, just like those who tried to bamboozle Murrietans with the bogus "Southwest Riverside County Taxpayers for Responsible Government" label, appears to be trying to build a political base in Murrieta based on misrepresentations and lies.

    We cannot allow Kowell to gain political traction through such lies and deception. Measure D should be roundly defeated. Kowell should be sent packing.

    And, by the way, Mr. Kowell, I don't recall your active involvement during Murrieta's recall when we regained citizen control of our Council away from the developers and special interests. I didn't see you standing out in the hot sun for hours helping to obtain signatures for the recall petitions, right?

    As a result of that recall, Murrietans now have a "seat at the table" which did not exist previously. Mr. Kowell you are very late to the table with your misguided attacks.

    Edward Faunce
    Murrieta Resident.

  2. If Ed Faunce is against it then most of Murrieta should vote for it.
