A website to inform Murrieta residents why ballot measures C,D and E are bad for our city.

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Measure C - [ Murrietans Are Smart Voters ]

     At times, and especially during this election season, the Californian can be inundated with reader comments. 

     Contained within a recent article, an apparent proponent (manup) went on the war path attacking those against the Murrieta measures.  In response, one reader wrote:

     Dieta26 has it right….Murrieta does not have lazy voters and term limits are not necessary in this city.

     If term limits are necessary Murrieta, then ask why is it that the 3 incumbents are running only for their second term?

     The answer is because Murrieta voters are smart and know when a council person’s time is up by voting them out.

     Murrieta voters have proved this time and time again when in 2003 Brian Youens was voted out, in 2005 when Jack vanHaaster was recalled, and in 2008 when Warnie Enochs was voted out.

     Terms limits do not stop career politicians, they only move them along. Look to Sacramento for the proof.

     Murrietan's are smart voters and they don't need term limits to take their vote away from them.

A NO vote on Measures C, D and E
is a vote for Murrieta’s future and a vote against the thinly veiled special interests of the proponents.


  1. The proponents of the initiatives project their biases, their shortsightedness, and their lack of knowledge of our City in all three of these measures. Now we have one of them, or one of their groupies, typing unfounded accusations, deriding those who voice opposite opinions, and making it difficult for those who want an honest exchange of ideas to make that happen. Thinking first, evaluating all sides of an issue, and most of all just being honest are not part of any of the actions of the proponents and their followers. I wish that the newspapers would monitor their blogs - I think we would see manup and others disappear.

  2. Yes some arrogant people cannot handle free speech. "Monitor it" and they will "disapear." That works well in an authoritarian climate but fortunately we have not gotten there yet. Funny how certain people want to shut down the views that oppose them.

  3. Vote yes on all three. Politicians are against losing their power and their stooge in city hall woh carries out their wishes...he is nothing more than a tool for their arrogant foolishness. Get rid of all of them. We need change now!
