A website to inform Murrieta residents why ballot measures C,D and E are bad for our city.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Recall (s) in the wind

The recent winds are blowing in multiple threats of recall.

Bob Kowell’s group is saying recall of the council if they don’t enact measures C, D and E swiftly.

Nancy Knight is saying recall of the council if they tweak the general plan against her wishes.

Tonight’s City Council special session with the Planning Commission reports that both issues are on the agenda. The measures are scheduled for closed session; the general plan is scheduled for a staff presentation.

What’s not on the agenda is where the City is in hiring a Fire Chief. According to a recruiter website, the application period closed 11/28. According to the breezes on the street, the number of applications are minimal, if any. (One would have to wonder if the application period may have been extended and if the website just has not been updated.)

In browsing the recruiter’s website, the salary offered for a Fire Chief position begins at around $170k. With measure E passing, this means the future, or re-contracted (Nov. 2011), Murrieta CEO salary will be $20k-30k less than his/her direct report (Fire Chief) salary will be.

Of interest, the hits on the blog post election are higher than pre-election, with most of the hits coming from fire agencies in and around California. Do you suppose measure E has anything to do with this fact?

Considering the current political climate in Murrieta, and with the passage of measure E, it appears Murrieta may be without a Fire Chief for some time, and most likely without a CEO for a very long time.

Can’t say the voters weren’t warned.


  1. I know someone in the City who would take the job as fire chief and no beneifts and alot less pay. He is a retired fire person with all the experience a Chief needs. He beleives in the city.

  2. Very helpful information. We appreciate you looking out for the community.
